Lonnie p. wollmuth

- Publications (last four years)
Amin, J, C. L. Salussolia, K. Chan, M. C. Regan, J. Dai, H-X. Zhou, H. Furukawa, M. E. Bowen, and L. P. Wollmuth (2017) Divergent roles of the peripheral transmembrane segment in AMPA and NMDA receptors. Journal of General Physiology. 149:661-680. (PMCID: PMC5460951)Gan, Q., J. Dai, H-X. Zhou, and L. P. Wollmuth (2016) The transmembrane domain mediates tetramerization of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acidity (AMPA) receptors. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 291:6595-6606. (PMCID: PMC4813562) - Alsaloum, M., R. Kazi, Q. Gan, J. Amin, and L. P. Wollmuth (2016) A molecular determinant of subtype-specific desensitization in ionotropic glutamate receptors. Journal of Neuroscience. 36:2617-2622. (PMCID: PMC4879209)
- Dai, J., L. P. Wollmuth, and H-X. Zhou (2015) Mechanism-based mathematical model for gating of ionotropic glutamate receptors. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 119:10934-10940. (PMCID: PMC4552600)
- Kazi, R., J. Dai, C. Sweeney, H-X. Zhou, and L. P. Wollmuth (2014) Mechanical coupling maintains the fidelity of NMDA receptor-mediated currents. Nature Neuroscience. 17:914-922. (PMCID: PMC4072853)
- Akgul, G. and L. P. Wollmuth (2013) Synapse-connected protein 97 regulates membrane qualities of parvalbumin interneurons within the visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 33:12739-12750. (PMCID: PMC3728686)
- Kazi, R.*, Q. Gan*, I. Talukder, M. Markowitz, C. L. Salussolia, and L. P. Wollmuth (2013) Asynchronous movements just before pore opening in NMDA receptors. Journal of Neuroscience. 33:12052-12066.*Authors contributed equally (PMCID: PMC3713736)
- Choi, U.B., R. Kazi, N. Stenzoski, L. P. Wollmuth, V. N. Uversky, and M. E. Bowen (2013) Modulating the intrinsic disorder within the cytoplasmic domain alters the biological activity from the N-methyl-D-aspartate-sensitive glutamate receptor. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 288:22506-22515. (PMCID: PMC3829338)
- Salussolia, C. L., Q. Gan, R. Kazi, P. Singh, J. Allopenna, H. Furukawa, and L. P. Wollmuth (2013) A eukaryotic specific transmembrane segment is needed for tetramerization in AMPA receptors. Journal of Neuroscience. 33:9840-9845. (PMCID: PMC3714855)
- Ji, K., G. Akgul, L.P. Wollmuth, and S. E. Tsirka (2013) Microglia positively regulate the amount of functional synapses. PLoS One. 8:e56293. (PMCID: PMC3564799)
- Helm, J., G. Akgul, and L. P. Wollmuth (2013) Subgroups of parvalbumin interneurons inlayers 2/3 within the visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 109:1600-1613. (PMCID: PMC3602937)
Reviews - H-X. Zhou, and L. P. Wollmuth (2017) Evolving NMDA receptor physiology by integrating multiple approaches. Trends in Neuroscience. 40(3): 129-137. (PMCID: PMC4457189)
- Kazi, R., M. Daniel, and L. P. Wollmuth (2015) Characterizing the thermodynamics of NMDA receptor pore opening. In: Ionotropic glutamate receptor technologies, G. Popescu, editor. Humana Press. Volume 106:145-162.
- Salussolia, C. L., Q. Gan, and L. P. Wollmuth (2015) Assaying AMPA receptor oligomerization. In: Ionotropic glutamate receptor technologies, G. Popescu, editor. Humana Press. Volume 106:3-14.
- Wollmuth, L. P (2015) Is cholesterol bad or good for the brain? – NMDARs possess a say. The Journal of Physiology. Asked commentary.
- Gan, Q., C. L. Salussolia, and L. P. Wollmuth (2015) Set up of AMPA receptors: mechanisms and regulation. The Journal of Physiology. Asked review. 593:39-48.
- Salussolia, C. L. and L. P. Wollmuth (2012) Switch-flopping towards the membrane. Neuron (Preview) 76:463-465. (PMID: 23141057)
- Pubmed Linked Publications
- Publications (last four years)
Amin, J, C. L. Salussolia, K. Chan, M. C. Regan, J. Dai, H-X. Zhou, H. Furukawa, M. E. Bowen, and L. P. Wollmuth (2017) Divergent roles of the peripheral transmembrane segment in AMPA and NMDA receptors. Journal of General Physiology. 149:661-680. (PMCID: PMC5460951)Gan, Q., J. Dai, H-X. Zhou, and L. P. Wollmuth (2016) The transmembrane domain mediates tetramerization of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acidity (AMPA) receptors. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 291:6595-6606. (PMCID: PMC4813562) - Alsaloum, M., R. Kazi, Q. Gan, J. Amin, and L. P. Wollmuth (2016) A molecular determinant of subtype-specific desensitization in ionotropic glutamate receptors. Journal of Neuroscience. 36:2617-2622. (PMCID: PMC4879209)
- Dai, J., L. P. Wollmuth, and H-X. Zhou (2015) Mechanism-based mathematical model for gating of ionotropic glutamate receptors. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 119:10934-10940. (PMCID: PMC4552600)
- Kazi, R., J. Dai, C. Sweeney, H-X. Zhou, and L. P. Wollmuth (2014) Mechanical coupling maintains the fidelity of NMDA receptor-mediated currents. Nature Neuroscience. 17:914-922. (PMCID: PMC4072853)
- Akgul, G. and L. P. Wollmuth (2013) Synapse-connected protein 97 regulates membrane qualities of parvalbumin interneurons within the visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 33:12739-12750. (PMCID: PMC3728686)
- Kazi, R.*, Q. Gan*, I. Talukder, M. Markowitz, C. L. Salussolia, and L. P. Wollmuth (2013) Asynchronous movements just before pore opening in NMDA receptors. Journal of Neuroscience. 33:12052-12066.*Authors contributed equally (PMCID: PMC3713736)
- Choi, U.B., R. Kazi, N. Stenzoski, L. P. Wollmuth, V. N. Uversky, and M. E. Bowen (2013) Modulating the intrinsic disorder within the cytoplasmic domain alters the biological activity from the N-methyl-D-aspartate-sensitive glutamate receptor. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 288:22506-22515. (PMCID: PMC3829338)
- Salussolia, C. L., Q. Gan, R. Kazi, P. Singh, J. Allopenna, H. Furukawa, and L. P. Wollmuth (2013) A eukaryotic specific transmembrane segment is needed for tetramerization in AMPA receptors. Journal of Neuroscience. 33:9840-9845. (PMCID: PMC3714855)
- Ji, K., G. Akgul, L.P. Wollmuth, and S. E. Tsirka (2013) Microglia positively regulate the amount of functional synapses. PLoS One. 8:e56293. (PMCID: PMC3564799)
- Helm, J., G. Akgul, and L. P. Wollmuth (2013) Subgroups of parvalbumin interneurons inlayers 2/3 within the visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 109:1600-1613. (PMCID: PMC3602937)
Reviews - H-X. Zhou, and L. P. Wollmuth (2017) Evolving NMDA receptor physiology by integrating multiple approaches. Trends in Neuroscience. 40(3): 129-137. (PMCID: PMC4457189)
- Kazi, R., M. Daniel, and L. P. Wollmuth (2015) Characterizing the thermodynamics of NMDA receptor pore opening. In: Ionotropic glutamate receptor technologies, G. Popescu, editor. Humana Press. Volume 106:145-162.
- Salussolia, C. L., Q. Gan, and L. P. Wollmuth (2015) Assaying AMPA receptor oligomerization. In: Ionotropic glutamate receptor technologies, G. Popescu, editor. Humana Press. Volume 106:3-14.
- Wollmuth, L. P (2015) Is cholesterol bad or good for the brain? – NMDARs possess a say. The Journal of Physiology. Asked commentary.
- Gan, Q., C. L. Salussolia, and L. P. Wollmuth (2015) Set up of AMPA receptors: mechanisms and regulation. The Journal of Physiology. Asked review. 593:39-48.
- Salussolia, C. L. and L. P. Wollmuth (2012) Switch-flopping towards the membrane. Neuron (Preview) 76:463-465. (PMID: 23141057)
- Pubmed Linked Publications
- Publications (last four years)
Resourse: https://renaissance.stonybrookmedicine.edu/neurobiology/faculty/
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- Publications (last four years)