Graduate practicum students — rutgers secd lab
- The Social-Emotional and Character Development Lab is a focus for college-based efforts at prevention, social-emotional learning, social problem-solving, violence prevention, and character education. The Lab works as a consultant for a number of school districts and, in some instances, plays a…
- If you are looking at involved in the practicum, please contact Dr. Elias at
The Social-Emotional and Character Development Lab is a focus for college-based efforts at prevention, social-emotional learning, social problem-solving, violence prevention, and character education. The Lab works as a consultant for a number of school districts and, in some instances, plays a really active role in fostering the introduction of school-wide efforts and programs directed at specific populations, to construct character using empirically-supported, evidence-based approaches.
The primary practicum website is New Brunswick. The objective of the practicum is collaborate with NB staff along with other Rutgers sources to assist prevent and remediate dropout, lack of student motivation, problem behaviors, and academic failure. The positive focus is on developing a sincere climate by which students and staff become genuine collaborators inside a school of character and academic excellence. Practicum students join other RU undergraduate and graduated pupils in becoming positive heroines, mentors, supports, and sources. An action-research model provides ongoing feedback inside a spirit of continuous improvement.

This practicum is conceptualized as School-Community-Clinical and also the relative emphasis of a person’s specific role could be negotiated. One of the activities involved, based on specific sites, are: Consultation to existing school and student committees. Assisting in developing strategies and interventions for student social and academic competence, problem behaviors, thought of harassment, violence and bullying, and college climate. Assisting in staff and student school climate assessment and supplying data review/feedback. Systematic participation with student clubs and groups toward the aim of empowerment and providing voice. Implementation of interventions to advertise school-wide and classroom social-emotional and character development may include dealing with high-risk classrooms on behavior/social skills consultation, Laws and regulations of Existence values clarification. Individual and group supervision is going to be provided.
Students are anticipated to supply process notes after each school visit to see teammates. The theoretical lower practicum is SECD and also the pedagogical structure is aligned with CBT. SECD refers back to the skills, classroom and business structure, and curricular and program content that’s essential for optimizing students‘ possibility to be caring, competent and committed individuals. Students dealing with the SECD Lab may have the chance to understand educational and mental theory and practices associated with SECD. Current SECD-related efforts in schools include school climate improvement, character education, bullying and violence prevention, drug abuse prevention, counseling and related services, social-emotional learning curriculum programs, positive behavior supports, efforts toward school-wide positive recognition of scholars, and repair learning. These programs and practices educate children valuable social, emotional, and behavior training however, there’s too little coordination between programs and lesson. This insufficient coordination results in many skills not generalized into everyday existence.

Again, with respect to the specific site, students may have the chance to help schools in allowing the business structure to aid, maintain, and coordinate SECD practices. Specialized placements associated with short-term projects include program evaluation, integration of SEL into social studies instruction, and Tier 2 SEL tech/gaming-related interventions. The Lab is also co-developing on-line certificate programs in class-Focused Coordination of Social-Emotional and Character Development, and Direct Instruction in Evidence-Based SEL and Preventive Interventions in class and Out-of-School Settings. It collaborates strongly using the College of Saint Elizabeth, U . s . Method of Northern NJ, and also the School Support in Northern NJ.
Specific possibilities for dealing with the SECD Lab won’t be set until mid- late Summer time. Current and up to date placements include Jersey City, New Brunswick, Highland Park, and Metuchen.
If you are looking at involved in the practicum, please contact Dr. Elias at